Saturday, March 05, 2011

My very own "Zima Junction"

सभी जो साथ थे वो पा गए अपने किनारों को,
हम्ही बस हैं कि जिसकी उलझनें अब भी दिशाएं हैं |

कभी जब ऊब कर अपने बनाए आज से बच कर,
पुराने रास्तों में फिर भटकते अजनबी बन कर..
...किसी सुनसान झुरमुट से हमारा ही कोई साया
निकल कर पूछ लेता, व्यंग की मुस्कान-सी भर कर:

"मुझे क्यों भूलते हो, जब मुझे ही खोजते हो तुम?
तुम्हारी आत्मा हूँ मैं, शुरू मुझसे हुए थे तुम|"

सहम कर हम ठिठक जाते, उसी सुनसान झुरमुट पर,
स्वयं को आंकने की चाह से ये पूछ लेते हैं:

"सभी ने पा लिया सन्दर्भ अपना, एक हम ही क्यों
अभी तक ढूंढते, दोहरा रहे अपनी पुकारों को?
...कहाँ तक ज़िन्दगी में भटकने की विवशताएँ हैं?....

[31yrs back, on March 1,'80, I had joined my first job (looking back, that is how life happens, and I am glad that is how it did). But back then, it was a betrayal to all that I thought/imagined I will/can be as a 25yr-old... having a job was a safe external anchor to "Living" (and I needed that too!)... even though I was still struggling with what to make of my "Life".
This was my first diary-entry after taking the plunge...
...though, on another note, not much has changed since I wrote these line... ]


Unknown said...

Very recently, upon an introduction by Meetesh Jha (one of your students at XLRI), I started to read your blog.
Your life is worth living. It is rich and full of wisdom.
I wish I could meet you one day!!

Unknown said...

Very recently, upon an introduction by Meetesh Jha (one of your students at XLRI), I started to read your blog.
Your life is worth living. It is rich and full of wisdom.
I wish I could meet you one day!!